Ok, Ok, Ok, I will post some pictures of Halloween now. I just don't enjoy the holiday very much. I like the fall the jacket weather but that seems to have already passed. I am just not very creative when it comes to costumes. We are cheap and don't want to spend money on a costume that you can only wear once a year. We are also trying to save money for a house right now so a costume just isn't in the budget. We were lucky enough to have someone loan us a costume for Jules, thanks Nettie. Jules actually loved the costume and loved looking at herself in the mirror.

We went to a few parties. Brett, of course, was Napoleon Dynomite. He actually won a contest at work for the funniest costume. He did the dance for everyone and everything. Everyone loved it. Unfortunately, we never took any pictures of ourselves. Other people did so we are just waiting to get some from them. One night I was a dead chef and painted my face. Jules wouldn't even look at me and would scream and cry every time she did. So for the next day I was just a boring old cat. She didn't even like that I painted whiskers on my face. The next day, Brett's nephew had a school dance and his date wanted to be Deb so he was Napolean and needed Brett's stuff. So we were the King and Queen of Hearts, yet another borrowed costume and one that we don't have any pictures of as of yet (thanks Jodi).

One thing I do like about Halloween is making goodies. I found these in a magazine and had a lot of fun with them. Jules and Maddie, my niece who looks homeless in the picture (her dad must have dropped her off that day), enjoyed eating them and helping me make them.

These are kind of old pictures but since they are so cute I wanted to put them up. A while ago we took Jules to a BYU football game. She did really well and we had a lot of fun. Luckily though, it was one of the first games, one that BYU totally dominated so we were able to leave early. It was fun to take Jules but it's more enjoyable without her.

She loves to play with my sunglasses. I am very proud to say that Jules does say cougar and when she had her Cougar shirt on, she points to it and will even hiss like a cougar.