I have never been pregnant during the hot summer months and so far, I'm not a fan. It's hot and I can't even wear shorts or anything. Even with a summer dress I have to wear leggings because my varicose veins are so awful. I mean AWFUL! Maybe one of these days I will get up the courage to take a picture of them as proof. They are mostly on one leg and that leg tends to swell up really fast so it's no fun at all. Luckily they are not painful.
It's been a crazy couple months as you can imagine. It has been 4 weeks since we found out that we are having 2 more girls!!! (insert concerned and freaked out font here). We found out last month and are still in a bit of shock. In fact, I had another ultrasound today and Brett was really hoping they would find a turtle in there somewhere instead of the 3 lines (for those of you who don't have kids, a boy part in an ultrasound looks like a turtle. But if it's 3 lines, then you know it's a girl). No such thing happened. It's still 2 girls and we have no clue what we are going to name them. It makes us both really ornery even thinking about names because we can't agree on a single name; let alone 2.
So my 20 week ultrasound had to be with a perinatologist because we are having twins. We will have ultrasounds at least every 4 weeks with them. We were in there for a good 2 hours just measuring and making sure that everything was good and healthy with the babies. We thought we were in the clear but the actual doctor found that there was a hole between the 2 ventricles in one of the babies. She said that she wanted me to see a cardiologist and then changed it for after the next appointment. I was a little concerned but she said that it's possible it would go away on its own. I wasn't super freaked out until my regular doctor appointment 2 weeks later. He informed me that if the baby did have this condition then she would need heart surgery within the first year of her life. WHAT?!! Ya, I was a bit freaked out. I guess it's not a huge or super abnormal surgery but it's still heart surgery.
I don't know if I said it before, but we don't have insurance. I was able to find a great insurance for just me but it will only cover the babies for the first 30 days. Brett does have a great job but it's still a contract position and they are moving super slow so who knows when we will get insurance. This surgery would have to take place up at Primary Children's so that would be rough trying to be with both of my babies at the same time. We probably could have pushed to get it done in those first 30 days for insurance purposes but who wants to do heart surgery on a tiny baby? Not me!
Anyway, we just kept praying and fasting and putting them in the temple prayer list. On fast Sunday I actually called my mom and asked if she could fast for my babies since I can't fast right now. So they did a fast and so did Brett. As we were breaking the fast the babies started moving around in my womb. I don't usually feel them moving around when I'm standing so it was really cool. I counted that as a sign and felt a huge amount of comfort at that moment. I still had my concerns but felt much better. Brett actually started applying for other jobs so we could have insurance and I just knew that everything would be okay. Of course I was still concerned but everything always works out so I was just putting my faith and trust in that.
Anyway, today I had another ultrasound and the doctor found the babies' hearts looking perfect and healthy. Can I even tell you my relief? Well, maybe you can imagine on your own. There is a little extra fluid in one of the babies' kidneys but the worst case scenario on that would be that she will be prone to UTIs. We will keep an eye on that but I'm not super concerned. The babies are measuring right on schedule and weigh about 1 lb. 6 oz. each. Baby A which will always be the baby closest to my cervix is head down, which is good. If baby A is breach then they won't even hesitate and go straight to a c-section which I would rather not have. That can always change until about week 30 though so we will see. Things are looking good though and I would rather have a c-section than have to have my tiny baby go through heart surgery.
Now to enjoy some pictures and some non-drama things:
We finally took the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese. This was our first time because Jules is so scared of everything that we figured it would be a waste. Well, we were right. She was scared of everything except these little cars that moved a tiny bit. She was fine at Disneyland when we went last year but she was scared of everything at Chuck-E-Cheese. Go figure right? Anyway, we still had a fun time.
Matching girls ready for church...or after church...I don't remember.
Thanks for the post! I've been wondering how you are doing. I am so glad that the heart hole went away. What a blessing. Hopefully the fluid clears up soon as well. You look great! Hang in there!
Your belly is adorable and I'm sorry to hear about the varicose veins. Glad to hear the heart problem cleared up. You will pull off being pregnant with twins very well! Those scooters Jules got are so cool. I love them. We missed Orem Fest this year, I was sad, but 10:00 fireworks were just too late for Mckinley.
You have probably had this suggestion, but have you thought about seeing what medicaid will help you with? I used medicaid with both boys and it was fantastic. However, it really depends on your household income. Anyway, if you are interested, here is the link:https://utahhelps.utah.gov/ . Hope that helps. Other than that, you look fabulous and your girls are getting so big! And so pretty! Hope you are having a great summer:)
Oh Stacey! Thanks for the update! I loved reading it. I wanted to cry when you said the baby girl's heart was perfect! Heavenly Father is so aware of us and loves us so much. Your girls are adorable and you are always such a babe whether you are pregnant or not. We sure love you guys! We'll be praying for all of you.
Gosh I am so happy that things are going well. You, and the babies, are definitely watched over!
I can't believe how much Libby looks just like Jules! Like miniatures! I think the same will be with Kendall and Harrison.
Congrats, again! You're looking great!
WOW! I can't believe it. That is so exciting and so scary! If anyone can do it you can. I can't believe how much your girls look alike. I think about you guys all the time. I would love to get together. Call me or email me or something. My number is 801-280-5856 and my email is ashleymackay@yahoo.com. I will keep yah in my prayers. Take care.
Holy cow....I can't believe your blog!! TWINS!!! Wanna hear something funny?...2 nights ago I had a dream that I was having an ultrasound and found out I was pregnant with twin girls! I'm so relieved to find out it's you, not me :) ha ha :) I'm so excited for you-you look absolutley amazing! I first thought you looked pretty darn good for being pregnant, and then I saw it's twins-you really do look fantastic! Good luck with everything!
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